

The company’s headquarter is located in Caxias do Sul, in a region known as Serra Gaúcha. There, furniture manufacturing is a tradition inherited from the Europeans who settled the area. Saccaro is responsible for creating pieces that are widely recognized and is now present in all regions of Brazil. The company also exports its products to several countries in all continents. Its aim is to offer high- end furniture and experiences to those who recognize the value of craftsmanship. Solutions for corporative projects and rooms. The best resorts, hotels, flats, offices, clinics, restaurants and clubs in the country gain even more beauty and sophistication with the products and accessories of the brand. Saccaro has been teaming up with architects, designers and artists since 1985. Those partnerships, that bring together the talent of artists and the craftsmanship techniques of Saccaro, have resulted in the creation of beautiful, functional, singular furniture pieces. Through its investments in renowned professions in the last three decades, Saccaro has greatly contributed to Brazilian design.



Omega: The last letter of the alphabet. It represents Christ, omnipresent. The beginning and the end of everything. A piece that fits perfectly in any setting.





Henrique Steyer is Brazilian and lives in southern Brazil. Graduated in architecture and urbanism, he also has a postgraduate degree in advertising image and also in strategic design. He signs pieces for major brands and his creations have been published in more than 35 countries. He likes to work with his creativity in an unusual and impactful way. He is the author of two books and produces content in the field of design and architecture.